We have all heard talk by now of inflammation and its effects on the body. It is not my intention in this post to go in depth into the root bodily mechanics of inflammation but rather to give you a very practical (and fast) download into some common signs/symptoms of inflammation and some common food triggers. If you know me you know I am a HIGHLY practical individual so rather than wax poetically about it, just know that inflammation is bad mkay and we normally want as little of it as a response in our bodies.
If you dont know who this I’m sorry you arn’t having enough fun in life
3 signs/symptoms of Inflammation
Fatigue: Are you tired all the time? When you wake up does it feel like you drank last night even though you didn’t? This is a very common inflammatory reaction to food. Might be time to look at your diet.
Weight Gain/stubborn fat: If your body is in a chronically inflamed state it will typically hold onto fat stores. This is because your body is having a sympathetic nervous system response. Conversely, it can also make it hard to lose fat since your sympathetic (fight) response is on. So if you are working out, eating better, and still seeing no chance on the scale, inflammation could be why.
Joint Pain: Do you feel achy all the time? Do you still feel achy even in the afternoon after you have been up and moving around for a while? You see we should (if things are working properly) feel more mobile and less “achy” as the day goes on. A little ache in the morning isnt a big deal but if it doesn’t go away this could be a sign of chronic diet induced inflammation.
3 Common inflammatory foods that are even “healthy’!
Rice: Although rice is one of the most commonly eaten foods in the world, it is also a very common cause of inflation in westerners who often lack the enzymes that are necessary to process rice properly. This is one lesson I had to learn the hard way myself. I love rice and Asian cuisine and I always wondered why I would spend a long time in the bathroom and with stomach aches after virtually any Asian meal. Well, they almost always come with rice, and my Norse heritage doesn’t do so well with that.
This lady feels me. Rice has been linked to joint pain. Its almost like I knew what I was talking about
2. Beans: Beans, beans the magical fruit! They also have another magical power, and that’s the power of inflammation! You know what I’m talking about. The bloated, stuffed full, and gassy feeling after having a bunch of beans. Its so obvious and yet we are told that beans are a health food! The bean issue is pretty nuanced though. Some beans are pretty common inflammatories while others are not. It also matters how the beans are washed and prepared before cooking. Its outside of the scope of this article to dive into it but the short version is green beans are fine while most of your hard beans like black, pinto, navy, exc can be problematic. I cut them all (but green) out of my diet and feel much better for it. If you are a bean lover it may be worth more research on your end.
3. Breads, pastas, even whole grains: This one is pervasive and incredibly common. There are many people who have trouble digesting wheat based grain products. Yet these products make up the majority of options in any grocery store. You see, wheat allergies are very common. Symptoms like acne, skin rashes, and headaches can all be caused by wheat consumption. Hell, our wheat in the USA doesn’t even meet European standards (dont believe me, look it up). Although whole grains are often touted as a health food, I would recommend staying away from them. Your health (and waistline) will thank you.
What to do about it
Pay Attention!: Pay attention to how you feel about an hour after eating. If you are tired and want to take a nap its highly likely that your body doesn’t like something you ate and is reacting to it. A good meal (for you) should give you more energy, not less.
Everyone is different so become a detective for yourself: One thing that drives me nuts is the notion that there is one “perfect diet” for everyone. This is simply not true! People are very unique and because of our diverse ancestral backgrounds we will react to foods differently as well. For example, I have a buddy who can eat rice likes its his job and he stays lean year round. Hes also Asian. Me on the other hand, even a small amount of rice makes me feel like a sumo wrestler and I spend the rest of the evening in the bathroom watching YouTube. To find the perfect diet for you takes work, trial and error, and experimentation.
Its so worth it: When I talk to my clients and tell them the un-sexy truth that there is no magic diet or pill they can sometimes become discouraged or overwhelmed. People seem to want a play by play guide of exactly what to eat and when. This isnt very realistic however and as soon as you go out to dinner with some friends you will “fall off the wagon” and then feel bad about yourself. This is not a sustainable way of living! I think some re-framing is needed here. You should look at this as an exciting and life changing journey of discovery to enbark on! If you can learn about yourself well enough to know what foods serve you well and which ones dont then you have armed yourself with the ability to eat almost anywhere! You can enjoy dinners out with friends and simply order what you know fuels you instead of just cheating on your diet and paying for it later.
Now go! Listen to your body. Eliminate foods that cause inflammation and make you feel bad. Create your own non-inflammatory diet that you can enjoy and will serve you for your life!